Caregivers in Cheshire CT: Your Mom Has Alzheimer’s, Use These Tips to Keep Her Safe This Winter
Your mom has Alzheimer’s. She’s fine at home alone with people checking on her periodically. You still worry about her in the middle of winter, however. While she’s not to a point where she needs constant supervision, frigid temperatures concern you. Here are some ideas you can use to keep your mom safe.
Use GPS Location as a Precaution
If your mom is prone to taking walks, you should have a GPS tracking device. You can do this by sewing a device into her coat or shoes, having her wear a medic alert system with GPS, or by adding a tracker to her dog’s collar or leash.
Chances are your mom will go for a walk and return safely. If she doesn’t, you’ll be able to aid authorities by pinpointing her location as quickly as possible. It’s not a fool-proof method, but it’s definitely better than not taking any precautions.
Install Smart Technology in Her Home
You can keep track of any possible issues with your mom’s water or heating system by installing smart technology. With a smart thermostat, you can look at her home’s temperature and be reassured that her furnace is working properly.
There are devices that will notify you if a pipe is leaking and flooding the basement. You can also get devices that tell you when your mom has entered a room or opened a door. Use smart technology to know your mom is warm and safe within her home.
Place a Whiteboard Checklist at the Door
If you’re concerned that she goes outside without a coat, mittens, or hat, put a checklist near her door. She can use it to make sure she dresses appropriately for the weather. Break the lists down by weather situations. Have one list for rain, one for frigid temperatures, and one for snow. You can also add extras like flashlights for before dawn or after dusk.
Have Someone Check On Her
If you can’t make it to your mom’s each day to check on her, find others to help. Caregivers offer a full range of services for elderly men and women with Alzheimer’s. Your mom can have help with housework, meals, transportation, and laundry. You gain peace of mind knowing she has someone looking after her.
Learn more about the full range of home care services available in your area. Call an agency today and discuss the prices and schedules that area caregivers offer.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering in-home caregivers in Cheshire, CT, please contact the caring staff at Franciscan Ever There Care. Call today 203-630-2881.