
5 Reasons to Choose Home Care


1. Individual Attention At a facility, caregivers are responsible for taking care of numerous patients at a time. With in-home care, the client is given one-on-one care. This allows for more time to build trust and understanding between the client and the aide. 2. No hidden fees Nursing care facilities often charge an extra fee [...]

5 Reasons to Choose Home Care2021-05-19T16:31:15-04:00

Keep Outdoor Allergens Outdoors


More flowering plants means more allergens in the air. But spring doesn’t have to be a season of suffering. Here are five quick and easy things you can do to relieve your allergy symptoms at home and still enjoy the warmer weather. Have Separate Indoor and Outdoor Attire Having allergies doesn’t mean you have to [...]

Keep Outdoor Allergens Outdoors2021-04-21T16:30:01-04:00

More Love in Your Life


Valentine’s Day comes and goes but love is an everyday part of our lives. It takes many shapes depending on the relationships that we share with others. In English we use the blanket term “love”, but every relationship is different. This February, recognize and spread the love in these different ways: Affection for Family [...]

More Love in Your Life2021-02-12T14:45:01-05:00

A Habit of Hope


Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true. Habit: an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly involuntary. (Merriam-Webster) Building a habit of being hopeful takes time. Here are some small steps that could lead to a happier, more hopeful outlook. Every Day is a New Day [...]

A Habit of Hope2021-01-22T15:34:19-05:00

Fewer Gadgets, More Memories


Social distancing doesn’t have to be the end of Christmas as we know it. Yes, changes will need to happen but we can still feel the love of our friends and family. This doesn’t mean dragging everyone into a “zoom” call, either. Here are six great tech-free ideas to feel close to those you love. [...]

Fewer Gadgets, More Memories2020-12-09T16:26:15-05:00

Technology and Home Healthcare


Just fifty years ago there was no way to “go see a doctor” without going down to his office and seeing him face-to-face. Today healthcare depends more and more on communication technology to unite patients with their doctors. Home healthcare workers, too, use assistive technology to bring professional care into the homes of patients in [...]

Technology and Home Healthcare2020-08-19T15:32:55-04:00

How to Stay Hydrated


July is Connecticut’s hottest month, averaging 85 degrees. It is important to stay hydrated whether you are inside or outside. Dehydration means that your body is losing more water than it is taking in. Although drinking water is the obvious solution to dehydration it is not the only solution. Here are five creative ways to [...]

How to Stay Hydrated2020-07-08T15:39:28-04:00

5 Edible Patio Plants


June is a great time to add these colorful and flavorful plants to your patio, deck, or backyard garden. Not only will they brighten up your outdoor space, they will brighten up your mealtimes too! Recipes abound for every one of these plants, all you need is a little imagination. Pansy The prolific pansy is [...]

5 Edible Patio Plants2020-06-03T15:29:40-04:00

Mom Was Right!


Growing up, it always seemed that mom knew the answer to everything. Her love and wisdom was shared through classic one-liners that every child or teenager hears at some point. These pieces of advice stick with us long into adulthood and they get truer as we get older. Here are seven quotes that you might [...]

Mom Was Right!2020-05-01T14:08:20-04:00
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